Fabio Venzi
Grand Master of the Regular Grand Lodge of Italy from December 2001
- Past Grand Master of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Malta
- Past Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Sao Paulo
- Certificate of Merit of the Grand Orient of Sao Paulo
- Honorary Member of the Grand Lodge of the State of Israel
- Masonic Order of Merit from the Grand Lodge of the State of Israel
- Honorary Member of the Supreme Council of the Order of De Molay in Brazil
- Order of the Gold Star from the Grand Orient of Brazil
- Star of Masonic Honour from the Grand Orient of Brazil
- Montezuma Order of Merit of the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite of Ancient and Accepted Masons of Brazil
- Onorary Member of Grand Lodge of Estonia
- Grand Medal of Merit from the Grand Lodge of Finland
- Order Dom Pedro I Grand Orient of Brasil
- Honorary Grand Master Grand Orient of Brasil
- Grand Medal of Merit from the Grand Lodge of Sweden
- Grand Medal of Merit from the Grand Lodge of Norway
- Grand Medal of Merit from the Grand Lodge of Denmark
- Member of the Royal Order of Scotland
- Italy District Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Mark Master Mason of England and Wales
Fabio Venzi, writer and essayst, was born in Rome in 1961. He graduated in Sociology at the University of Rome "La Sapienza".
He is the founder and editor of the philosophical Masonic journal “De Hominis Dignitate“ and has spoken at numerous historical-philosophical and Masonic conferences in Italy and abroad.
His various interests and his multidisciplinary approach led him to deal with Sociology of Religions, History, Alchemy and Esotericism subjects as well.
In 2007 he has been awarded the "Premio Bertrand Russell ai saperi contaminati" by the University of Reggio Calabria, pronouncing a lectio magistralis on "Myths and Symbols in the 20th Century".
In February 2022 he has been awarded by Paramahansa Nithyananda, now universally recognized as the highest representative of Sanatana Hindu Dharma, with 'The Kailasa Om Award', the recognition "It will highlight the contribution of religious and spiritual leaders of various faiths and religions in whole world towards guaranteeing global peace, harmony and unity”.
Grand Master of the Regular Grand Lodge of Italy from 2001.
His latest pubblications are:
2007, “The Influence of Neoplatonic Thought on Freemasonry”, Preface by Michael Baigent, Book Guild Publishing.
2008, “Massoneria e Fascismo”, Castelvecchi Editore.
2010, “Julius Evola e la Massoneria”, Settimo Sigillo.
2012, “Introduzione alla Massoneria”, Atanòr.
2013, “Studies on Traditional Freemasonry”, Lewis Masonic.
2014, “Il Liberomuratore tra Esoterismo e Tradizione”, Settimo Sigillo.
2016, “Freemasonry The Esoteric Tradition”, Lewis Masonic, 2016.
2017, “L’ultima Eresia. Chiesa Cattolica e Massoneria, tre secoli di errori tra Satanismo, Gnosticismo e Relativismo”, Settimo Sigillo.
2019, The Last Heresy, Lewis Masonic.
2020, Massoneria, Teorie sulle Origini, Atanòr.
2021, Ernst Junger, lo sguardo esoterico, Settimo Sigillo.
2022, Freemasonry, Theory about Origins, Lewis Masonic.
2022, Swami Vivekananda, Il Mistico e Liberomuratore apostolo della fratellanza universale, Settimo Sigillo.
Among his speeches:
2004, "Neoplatonic Roots of Masonic Thought and Cambridge Philosophers", Sheffield, Cornerstone Society.
2007, "Vatican Documents against Freemasonry", Rome, Pontificia Facoltà Teologica "Seraphicum", Meeting on "Catholic Church and Freemasonry".
2008, "Perceiving the Sacred in Scientific Research: The Interplay of Scientific Rationalism and Noetic Intelligence", London, Canonbury Masonic Research Centre, "Freemasonry and the Sciences, Natural and Supernatural".
2009, "Julius Evola and Freemasonry", Edinburgh, International Conference on the History of Freemasonry;
2010, “Freemasonry and Fascism in Italy in the 1920s”, London, Quatuor Coronati Lodge;
2012, “Italian Fascism and Freemasonry”, Edinburgh, ‘International Conference on the History of Freemasonry’.
2016, "Freemasonry and Catholic Church", University of Cambridge, ‘International Conference on the History of Freemasonry’.
2019, “The Freemason Homo Ludens”, London, Quatuor Coronati Lodge.
2019, “From Hermeticism and renaissance Esotericism to Modern’Science’”, University of Tampere, Edges of Freemasonry, Conference “Lived Esotericism and The Western Modernity”.
2021, ‘Freemasonry and the Catholic Church’, ‘Open Lectures’ on Freemasonry’.
2021, “Swami Vivekananda, The Mystic and Freemason Apostle of the Universal Brotherhood”, Roma, Quatuor Coronati Lodge RGLI.