
N°6 - Europa
Milano (MI)
Meeting: 1st thursday and 3rd thuesday of the Month

N°10 - Polaris
Pavia (PV)
Meeting: 2nd Monday of the Month

N°32 - Cosmopolitan
Brescia (BS)
Meeting: 1st Month of the Month

N°54 -Lithos
Brescia (BS)
Meeting: 2nd Friday of the Month

N°236 - Omonoia
Via Sebastiano Veniero n° 4 - Milano
Riunioni: last Wedsday of the Month

N°248 - Athanor
Milano (MI)
Meeting: 2nd and 4th Monday of the Month

N°258 - Hiram
Bergamo (BG)
Venue: Casa Massonica di Rovato (BS)
Meeting: 4th Friday of the Month

N°268 - Armonia Fraterna
Via Sebastiano Veniero n° 4 - Milano
Meeting: 4th Friday of the Month

N°275 - Avalon
Vigevano (PV)
Meeting: 1st Friday of the Month

N°294 - King Solomon
Castelli Calepio (BG)
Meeting: 3st Friday of the Month 7.30PM

N°299 - Francis Bacon
Via Sebastiano Venerio n° 4 - Milano (MI)
Meeting: to be definied